Economic Snapshot: 2023 Market Roundup

After lagging markets for much of the year, Australian stocks rebounded sharply in December, rising 7.3% to close at record levels. Interest rates and inflation remain the key data points in focus.

Posted by Mike Reynolds

Economic Snapshot: Global equities bounce back

Global equities rose by 9.4% in November, the largest monthly gain since the 2020 COVID recovery, driven by signs of economic moderation in the US and disinflation in developed markets.

Posted by Mike Reynolds

Economic Snapshot: Markets face headwinds

Global equity markets dropped a further 2.9% in October taking the year-to-date return to 8.2%. Bond yields continued to climb, undermining valuations across a range of assets, while the Israel-Hamas conflict added to uncertainty and risk aversion.

Posted by Mike Reynolds

Economic Snapshot: Investor sentiment turns

Investor sentiment turned in September with inflation data suggesting there were risks of further interest rate hikes ahead to cool ongoing consumer price pressures.

Posted by Mike Reynolds

Economic Snapshot: Global equity markets rally

Global equity markets rose 3.1% in June, with a 7.6% return for the quarter. The rally included growth stocks, the IT sector, banks, retailers, small caps, REITs, and materials.

Posted by Richard Dahl

Young professionals feeling the squeeze

We are witnessing a significant shift in generational wealth accumulation and concerns that the next generation could be the first since Federation to be worse off than their parents.

Posted by Cameron Sicker

Economic Snapshot: A dramatic year for markets

A combination of strong growth, abundant liquidity, supply chain blockages, and the Ukraine war triggered the biggest resurgence of inflation since the early 1980’s.

Posted by Richard Dahl

Economic Snapshot: A harsh month for financial markets

April was a harsh month for financial markets. High inflation, aggressive rhetoric from the US Federal Reserve Bank, the Ukraine war and COVID lockdowns in China, all combined to sour investor sentiment.

Posted by Richard Dahl

Economic Snapshot: A turbulent month for global markets

In a turbulent month for global markets, Australia’s geographic distance from Ukraine, combined with our role as a commodity exporter, helped our equity market to outperform and the A$/US$ to rally.

Posted by Richard Dahl

How to grow your super balance year after year

Being stuck at home in endless COVID-19 lockdowns has given many people time to think about their financial future. If you are engaging with your Super for the first time in a while, here are 3 things to consider to ensure you make the most if it.

Posted by Dominic Kwok

What are share buy-backs and how do they benefit investors?

August is reporting season and, in addition to finding out how companies are performing in these challenging times, investors may also find themselves on the receiving end of an unexpected special dividend or an off-market share buy-back.

Posted by Mike Reynolds

Using the equity in your home to generate more money in retirement

The post-COVID housing market recovery in Australia has certainly exceeded expectations, with property prices in Melbourne up 6.1%, Brisbane 6.3% and Adelaide 4.9% so far in 2021. As prices rise, more retirees are considering downsizing their home. In turn, taking advantage of tax and superannuation incentives to maintain the lifestyle they desire in retirement and protect their wealth.

Posted by Mike Reynolds

Why is short selling in the headlines again?

GameStop made headlines for all the wrong reasons but short selling can be a savvy investment strategy. It has been used by prudent fund managers for years and there is a place for it in balanced portfolio management.

Posted by Mike Reynolds

2020 Federal Budget Update

Budget 2020-21 is firmly billed as a recovery plan, to move Australia from crisis response towards rebuilding the economy following the once-in-a-century shock caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Posted by Lee Wapling

This video shows how FMD portfolios are weathering the storm

It's been a turbulent ride on global markets since the onset of COVID-19, but FMD portfolios are weathering the storm and are well-placed for the future. Watch this update from the FMD Investment Committee for all the latest details.

Posted by Lee Wapling

Annual Client Briefing panel discussion highlights

We continue to receive fantastic feedback about our largest-ever Annual Client Briefing held at the Park Hyatt in Melbourne in December 2019 where we welcomed over 400 guests. One of the things ...

Posted by Lee Wapling

The rise of Australian neobanks

2018-19 was a tough year for Australia’s major banks who faced margin squeeze from lower interest rates, fierce competition in mortgages and customer dissatisfaction in the wake of the ...

Posted by David Batchelor

Housing market recovery gathers steam

The Reserve Bank of Australia and the Government may be lamenting the fact that lower interest rates and personal tax cuts haven’t had the desired effect on consumer spending, ...

Posted by Jason Calleja

Boost super in your 40s or kiss your lifestyle goodbye

In July 2017, the government introduced new rules that make it imperative for higher income earners to pay close attention to their annual super contributions or risk retiring without enough money ...

Posted by Michael Russell

Sharing knowledge and honing skills at our 2019 adviser conference

It’s always hard to take time away from the office and our clients, but once again we were reminded of the benefits of bringing our national team together to share knowledge and hone our skills at this year’s annual adviser conference in Melbourne recently.

Posted by Lee Wapling

Election Update Series: Changes to franking credits in SMSFs proposed if Labor is elected

Proposed changes to franking credits in SMSFs are on the horizon if Labor is elected in May. There could be significant impacts for retirees with an SMSF who are wholly in the pension phase. Financial adviser, Jason Calleja, explains the potential impact and what you can do to protect your wealth if the proposed changes come into effect.

Posted by Jason Calleja

Trust is at the heart of good financial advice

The Royal Commission continues to expose the poor conduct occurring in the banking and finance industry and we’re glad the Commission is giving a voice to those impacted. Though ...

Posted by Lee Wapling

Economic Snapshot: A tale of two halves- June 2018

To use a well-worn sporting analogy, the 2017/18 financial year was a feature of two halves. The Summary The first half: 2017 saw a general swing among global investors towards risk assets [...

Posted by Richard Dahl

Invest today to live the life you want tomorrow

How active management of your super investment builds wealth faster Building wealth sooner is the best way to live the lifestyle you've worked hard to achieve for longer. Instead of ...

Posted by Lee Wapling

The secret to consistent investment returns

We all understand that certain sectors of the market do better during particular stages of the economic cycle than others. However, trying to pick the timing of a market rotation – ...

Posted by Lee Wapling

Our formula for investment success

They say there's no formula for success, but with years of experience offering personalised investment advice and now with over $1 billion of funds under management, our investment committee has learned ...

Posted by Richard Dahl

The six things financial planners say matter to your future

What is the formula for creating health, wealth and happiness at every stage of life? After nearly two decades of providing personalised advice to our happy clients, our financial advisers share FMD Financial's six pillar approach.

Posted by David Batchelor

The rising cost of education

As the education sector faces a shortage of teaching staff, the challenges to keep up with constantly changing technology and growing governance demands, fees can be expected to keep rising. ...

Posted by David Batchelor

Saving women's super

There has been much commentary on the changing family unit in Australia but the reality is 70% of primary carers of children are women. Although many wouldn’t change this situation, ...

Are you betting on the property boom?

It comes as no surprise that we’re paying much more for property today than any generation before us. With housing prices surging in Australia’s capital cities, we’re ...

Debt Recycling: a smart financial strategy

Purchasing a home can be one of life’s greatest milestones. Home ownership brings a sense of achievement and adds to your asset portfolio. A home is also likely to ...

Posted by David Batchelor

RBA’s decision is positive for investors

With the RBA announcing the cash rate will remain at a record low 2.5 per cent and continued economic recovery providing supportive conditions for good share market returns, we’re predicting 2014 ...

Posted by David Batchelor

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