In July 2017, the government introduced new rules that make it imperative for higher income earners to pay close attention to their annual super contributions or risk retiring without enough money ...
Super regulations are always changing - there have been 43 legislative and regulatory changes in Self-Managed Super alone in the last five years! (1) While super may still be the most tax-effective ...
Negative gearing to be limited to newly built properties from 1 January 2020 if Labor wins the election. What this could mean for investors and the property market?
Will this budget result in a comeback for the Government in time for the “sometime in May” federal election? Mike Reynolds demystifies the 2019 Federal Budget
It’s always hard to take time away from the office and our clients, but once again we were reminded of the benefits of bringing our national team together to share knowledge and hone our skills at this year’s annual adviser conference in Melbourne recently.
Proposed changes to franking credits in SMSFs are on the horizon if Labor is elected in May. There could be significant impacts for retirees with an SMSF who are wholly in the pension phase. Financial adviser, Jason Calleja, explains the potential impact and what you can do to protect your wealth if the proposed changes come into effect.
The ‘January effect’ is a well-known phenomenon among economists and psychologists alike. Regardless of market realities, consumer optimism and share prices often see a temporary boost and so does our ...
However rewarding our careers and growing families may be, most professional women also look forward to a future where they’ll have more time for themselves. Whether the goal is ...
The information in this article is superseded by the latest superannuation information published in our article, Everything you need to know about superannuation to live the dream. New superannuation laws ...
How often do you think about your super balance? Twice a year? Less often? Does it matter, I hear you think? I can’t access it for 20 years, right? Right, ...
In late 2014, Philip and Fiona Beggs found themselves at a cross-roads. After long and fulfilling teaching careers and in their late 50s, Philip was considering applying for the role of ...
One of the most satisfying things about providing high quality, personal financial advice is helping people follow their passions beyond work. Vice-President Alzheimer's Australia, Tony Newman, shares his story to ...
Yes, after months of debate of debate and a federal election we finally have some certainty on Superannuation. On November 23, superannuation legislation was passed by both houses of parliament. Major ...
There is now an update to the below information as new superannuation legislation was passed on 23rd November 2016 Here's everything you need to know. Yes, the government keeps tinkering with ...
At FMD, we are always talking to our clients and community about the importance of setting financial goals and taking small steps now towards the future they desire. We support ...
From 1 January 2017, if you receive an Age Pension and are asset tested, your pension may change. What will change from 1 January 2017? The value of assets you can own before your ...
Despite growing media coverage about the gap in women’s super and the necessity to start growing your super blanance as soon as possible, it can be hard to know ...
It’s been 15 years in the making, but the vision which inspired FMD founders Greg Fagan, David Murray and Adam Davenport to build a relationship-driven, fee-for-service advisory firm is now ...
What is the formula for creating health, wealth and happiness at every stage of life? After nearly two decades of providing personalised advice to our happy clients, our financial advisers share FMD Financial's six pillar approach.
The information in this article is superseded by the latest superannuation information published in our article, Everything you need to know about superannuation to live the dream. Vigorous debate on ...
Whilst there are media conversations aplenty about the gap in women’s super it seems the message, whilst acknowledged, is not spurring women to take action. Professional advice is widely ...